Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Brian's Painting

My grandson Brian, joined me in the studio today to paint. Here he is with his 2nd painting!


  1. He is such a sweet kid and getting so big,i bet he loves to paint

  2. He looks so intelligent and healthy. I wish him happiness and a great life!
    There seems to be some really nice paintings in the background Brian!

  3. Thanks for sharing this Brian... very sweet!

  4. Brian, What a great photo!... This handsome young fellow is the same baby Brian when I moved-how time flies. He shows uninhibited use of colour...a good sign!
    Hope you are well. I'm sketching and photographing more nowadays. Made it over to the paint-in but didn't see you. Say hello to Jane, Ina and Bonnie. I still think of you all Thursday evenings..I really enjoyed that time! See you and take care
    (I'm in north van now, if you're ever over this side at a gallery or for coffee, let me know!)

  5. Thanks Elliot, Dave , Ralph and Andrea for your comments.
    Andrea, so nice to hear from you! What a surprise, hope things are going well for you over in Vancouver and sorry I missed you during your visit. I wasn't in the Paint-In this year. Please drop by if when your in town. Warm regards, Brian
