Saturday, March 03, 2007

Oil paint on 30x30cm (12"x12") canvas stretcher. WIP 1 March

My painting "Pilgrims Gate" is based on the following black and white photograph probably taken c1910 in Hiafa, Israel, at one of the Baha'i shrines on Mount Carmel close to the shrine of the Prohet Elija. The photograph was published in a book "The Mystery of God".

I am not sure if it is ethical to exhibit or sell this painting. I will have to consider the legal and ethical issues


  1. I like this a lot Bob, thanks for posting it, the colours are great and of course the subject is inspiring!
    Nice to see you again on the blog! Brian

  2. How wonderful to be able to see the reference picture to a beautiful painting! I love seeing the inspiration of artists.

    I don't know if it's ethical or not, but at least it's an old photo. If it was an original old photo, i'd say it's fair game for sure because there wouldn't be any copyrights on it any more.

    But the fact that it's in a book? Hmm. That's stickier even though it's an old photo.

    Did the author actually obtain the copyright to that picture? Do ALL old pictures in ANY book automatically mean one can't copy them? But if the AUTHOR didn't get the copyright for it for their book, are THEY doing something wrong in even printing it?

    More "hmmmm"'s.

    It turned out beautifully, btw.

