Friday, March 27, 2009

Train tracks..

reworked on this painting, somehow wasnt happy with the previous way..added some color
and some detail..24x40 oil/canvas.


  1. Nice job Asma, like your brushwork in this one and feeling of space. The blues work well in the distant hills and the warm/cool greens in the foreground grass adds life to the piece. Brian

  2. Great feel to this one Asma. It all seems to fit together very nicely. I thought the same as Brian that the licks of light and shadow through the trees is great. Here's one thought... it's probably just me, but there's a few hits of what looks like a straight pthalo green in the left-most tree that I find distracting. I don't know enough to say why. When I cover them up though, the painting feels better to me.

  3. very nice takes me right in there, love the tree also

  4. Thanks Brian,Elliot and Dave. Elliot apprciate your helpful feedback...i can see what you're saying got to fix that!
