Thursday, February 12, 2009


done tonight 24x30" acrylic/canvas. Did this one some time ago and wanted to try again. Comments welcome. Brian


  1. I really like the rich greens and oranges and the composition is fun... makes me long to be done with winter. Here's an observation. All of the figures read very clearly in this one to me except the guy's head on the far right seems really big and the lady in white in the center looks like she's going to tip over. You've had other paintings with funky figures that I liked all the way through, but it seemed that there was sort of equal funkiness. I think maybe because most of the figures read so clearly, the couple that don't stand out a bit. Just a thought. Also I go back and forth about the brightness of the blue tent. I like it. It draws my eye there pretty strongly. Too strongly? I don't know. Anyway, I'm just thinking out loud... I love the painting.

  2. Hey Brian,

    I find this one flat. Really interesting colour combo. But is lacking for me.
