Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Here's the coloured version. I had alot of fun with the oils. I can't yet imagine how an artist chooses just one style or look. I don't think I will ever be able to, I have so much fun with it all.


  1. Great play of warm/cool here Julie and still quite abstract. Good that you moved away from chalk too, Wonderful! Brian

  2. Congrats on working with oils... they scare me. What size is this one? I like the tones and textures you were able to create. For me, I have trouble reading the painting. I think it's a horse, but I'm not sure. With the information provided, it looks sort of alien to me. But maybe that's your goal--to challenge the eye a bit... or maybe it's obvious and I just can't see it (it's happened before on the blog).

  3. Julie, If this is your first attempt at oil...kudos to you. It's great. Wonderful perspective.

    I checked into Liquin and it's a drying medium also so you go girl.

  4. Hey all, Thanks for your comments. It's not my first oil, but I have never been taught or seen a demo. I agree Elliot, it has an alien feel. I did enjoy the process, and I learned that Brain's technique works with oils, with enough drying time inbetween.

  5. Hey all, Thanks for your comments. It's not my first oil, but I have never been taught or seen a demo. I agree Elliot, it has an alien feel. I did enjoy the process, and I learned that Brain's technique works with oils, with enough drying time inbetween.

