Monday, June 16, 2008

Crayons to Perfume


  1. First thing here Julie, can you reduce the size of your jpegs to say 640x450 so they show up full screen when you click on the image to enlarge?

    I find the composition a bit qwirky here with pretty equal weight given to each face. This tends to set the eye going back and forth, back and forth and leaves me with an unsettled feeling about it, but its a fun playful piece with great color...Brian

  2. This is your best one yet Julie Mai! I find it unique and full of character.

    Just keep painting and let it come from inside you, like this one and you will find your way. Take all comments with a grain of salt.If you agree with it fine, if not still fine. You are the final judge on your paintings and never forget that. Great job Julie! Have a good trip!

  3. looks eerie to me--maybe it's supposed to. are they dolls or people? ...doesn't really work for me.

  4. Just about the same thing they said on Van Gogh paintings at the time!
    Go and buy one today!

  5. This is an excellant start, more later. Julie

  6. Yes! Yes! Yes! Thanks for all the comments, now we got a bit of a dialogue going. This painting is of my daughter and neice. They did this doll like make up and took pictures. It is quirky, and eerie, and yes unsettling. That might not be to your taste but I accomplished what I wanted.
    What I find so fasinating is that what one person persceives as undesirable, isn't to another. My goal is to never try to have people like my paintings, it's to communicat a feeling. So will respond posatively others won't.
    So glad for all your feed back.
    thanks for taking the time.Julie
