Saturday, November 15, 2008


This is one of those value studies that I would consider leaving at this stage. I liked it like this but I want to continue to play. 48X36


  1. Wow, what a beautiful study this is, like a sculpture. I love the various swirls and patterns at the center of the flower, reminds me of ribbon candy, carmel swirls and ice cream! Brian

  2. HI, good idea to leave it at this stage it s lovely and stronge but im curious to know what it would have been at its end. LOVELY Julie.

  3. I love this one Julie, it's fantastic. Personally, I really think you should consider adding color... the results could me really awesome with this one.

  4. Hi Guys,
    Ya, I'm going to add colour, like I said I want to keep playing. The sun is hot here today, so it's a great day to paint as it drys so fast.
