Saturday, August 09, 2008

Night Heat

I felt like something more organic. I think this is 24"X30"


  1. Hi Julie, this is interesting, on the one hand it looks like a male torso, when I shift my brain it then looks like african art or caligraphy. I like the abstractness of it and the subtle color..Not sure how I feel about it but I find it very engaging to look at..Brian

  2. Really interesting Julie. I like it. Is this style new for you, or were you painting like this before Brian's workshops? I think I would struggle without a subject... though I can see how it could prove to be a great exercise.

  3. Hey Fellows
    Well I guess it's just my eyes, or I'm missing my husband, because I can see the torso so clearly, and it's a pretty hot one one to boot. Great to have your feedback. I find it so interesting, for instance I really like this one, but viewed through the eyes of others it could be a big mess. I used Brians method, but I changed my underglaze from burnt sienna to a kind of bronze colour. Thanks guys your comments always means alot.

    I def. see the torso. Very masculine. Also, masculine color palette. NICE FEELING TO IT.
