Thursday, May 08, 2008

FALL TREES (reworked)

Yes, this is the same painting that was here but only reworked, felt it had too much yellow and I was thrown off with the values , which in the photo are fairly close. Anyways, I'll give this one a rest for a while and then look at it again....36x60" oil/canvas. C&C welcome, Brian


  1. WoW! You are having a good old time!
    Your restoring your grander and giving us all a thrill in art Thank ......Van

  2. Hey Brian, I can't remember exactly what the old one looked like, but I do recall alot of yellow. This feels good, I particularly like the pink in the grass/leaves on the bottom right, as well as the mauve above that area. I can't imagine an oil canvas that size, must have been fun.

  3. Thanks Van and Julie for your comments. Julie it was fun at the start then became a lot of work trying to arrive at the correct values. It's so huge hanging on my studio wall, and the reds are soooo red! Thanks again. Brian

  4. Brian, you know your yellow trees at the top of the blog is one my favorites ever, so it's hard not to compare... to my amateur eye the values in this one do look kinda close though. I can hear you saying "darken your darks and lighten your lights." Maybe darker shadows among the trees and more light in the sky would be exciting. You're the master though! Whatever you do, I'll think it's brilliant!

  5. Thanks so much Elliot, I wanted to push these colors as far as I could and your right the values are very close.Believe it or not I am learning just like you guys so feel free to offer any suggestion that may help. I can't see everything. Think I'll post a small pic of the the photo to this post to show what I was working from. I didn't want it exactly like the photo but wanted to use the photo as a reference for what I felt when looking at it. Thanks again Elliot.

  6. changed the painting picture again after an attempt to try to get the colors closer to the actual painting colors, still not quite there but its closer. Brian

  7. you are certaintly outstrecthing yourself Brian! Do you have a 50 room mansion to hang these beauties? I'm going to follow your lead and think big!..........van
