Friday, May 09, 2008

Hi all,

Elliot and Brian

Ok I did another little study. I didn't touch my set up, yes elliot it was my first still life, and my first time using oils, which I am really having fun with. They are both tiny at 9X12

The first one which you have seen was done at night with a strong halogen light shining on it, super easy to see all the different colours. The second one which I did this morning had a diffused overcast light. It was more difficult to see all those colours, but rather the "local" colour. I have not yet put in the slight shawdow which feels almost non existant, what you see is the slight reflection. But it is amazing to see them side by side, so totally differant, both beautiful in there own way.


  1. Hi Julie, both these are great little paintings, ...I can't help but seeing the first one as a huge painting decorating the wall of a contemporary home!, I especially love how limited the color is. Brian

  2. Oh also, your did great on the first one managing to stay away from "chalk" which could easily have happened with the hi-keyed values. Brian

  3. Thanks Brian,
    I am haveing such a fun time with these silly onions, I may just get a bit bolder and go bigger. That would be a challange for me in oils, as I'm still pretty intimidated by them. I also want to see if I can do one where the key/value is the same,but cooler as I think that is more true to what i see. What are you up to??
    Julie PS Still posting this way as the other doesn't work, no problem though.
    I may just get busy on that right away.
