Monday, May 05, 2008

Wisteria Vine

A 12x16 acrylic that I am not quite done with. I had difficulty with this one because there was not a great deal of difference in value between the vine and the stone wall on the left. As Page has told me, sometimes photos are flawed. I think the photo was taken on a cloudy day. But I loved the composition so much I had to try painting it. Suggestions welcome, Brett


  1. Oh Wow Brett, what's happened to you! These last few paintings are an enormous leap for you, I am so impressed. Very exciting for me to see this! Bravo!!!!!!Brian

  2. Hi Brett
    I have to confess to being envious of your recient paintings (Elliots too). I dont like much of what I have painted lately. I want to paint ia an impressionistic or Brian Simons mush paint around way. What I paint looks like just that "mushed around paint". Also I have a problem getting shapes to look right. I guess my hand eye connection is not what it needs to be. Anyway I have done what Tim Ford told the figure drawing class I took several summers ago "not to give up".
    Sorry this is wordy
