Friday, January 30, 2009

Small studies..

oils on canvas 16x11 thanks for watching.


  1. Good morning Asma!

    The blue painting is extremely abstract. When I blow it up I get clouds.jpg(image) so I assume they are clouds. It could also pass for waves and a shoreline. Put a boat in the middle and it would sort of look like a William Turner painting.

    The other seems top heavy and dark.
    For what it's worth I would suggest you get rid of some of the leaves and balance everything out with color.

    Happy Painting.

  2. Love the cloud pattern and color in the second one Asma, and also the sweetness and spontenaity of the first painting. Brian

  3. Just goes to show you how everyone sees different!

  4. The bird one seems a bit dull to me Asma. The sky one is really dramatic and exciting... maybe a touch of Georgia Okeefe. Way to go for it!

  5. I forgot to mention Asma, this is a different style of painting for you. Good going! Love it.

  6. nice little studies ,limited palette
    good color

  7. Thanks Brian, Ralph, Elliot and David love your feedback.. I worked on them plein air probably why they are so sketchy.
